The final programme of the EPSC 2022 has been announced. In particular the schedule of the RoadMap session “Martian dust and clouds: from lab to space” (TP6) is now known: two oral sessions will take place on Tuesday 20 Sept. (15:30-16:55) and Wednesday 21 Sept. (10:00-11:30) and posters will be on show on Monday 19 Sept. (18:45-20:15).
We are pleased to host 11 posters and 14 talks, inluding the folowing sollicited ones
- Spectropolarimetry of Mars: Why and how?, Daphne Stam
- The diurnal and seasonal variation of dust observed by the Perseverance rover and Emirates Mars Mission, Michael Smith, Khalid Badri, Samuel Atwood, Germán Martínez, Eduardo Sebastián, Victor Apéstigue, Ignacio Arruego, Daniel Toledo, Daniel Viúdez, Jose Antonio Manfredi, Christopher Edwards, Nathan Smith, Christopher Wolfe, Michael Wolff, Philip Christensen, Saadat Anwar, Mark Lemmon, Eman AlTunaiji, and Manuel de la Torre
- A lower-than-expected saltation threshold at Martian pressure and below, Philippe Claudin, Bruno Andreotti, Jens Jacob Iversen, Jonathan P Merrison, and Keld Romer Rasmussen
- Retrieving scattering properties of Martian dust analogues by modelling light scattering, Julia Martikainen, Olga Muñoz, Teresa Jardiel, Marco Peiteado, Juan Carlos Gómez Martín, and the RoadMap Team
- A laboratory study on sand grain impacts and their role in releasing fine dust into the Martian atmosphere, Tim Becker, Gerhard Wurm, and Jens Teiser
The full details can be found at: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EPSC2022/session/44664