Final Version Black indicates when the first and/or main contributor(s) of the paper or the published study were directly funded by the RoadMap project


Several PhD thesis were carried out within the RoadMap project:

  • Final Version Black Microphysical Characterization of Saltating Impacts and their Ejecta on the Martian Surface, T. Becker, UDE (expected defense early 2025)

  • Final Version Black First analysis of the spectra obtained from the NOMAD instrument on-board ESA’s Trace Gas Orbiter, L. Trompet, BIRA-IASB (private defense: 24 Oct. 2023; public defense: 12 Dec. 2023)

  • Final Version Black Retrieving aerosol vertical distribution using solar occultation from the NOMAD instrument on-board ESA's Trace Gas Orbiter, Z. Flimon, BIRA-IASB (expected defense in Dec. 2025)


The following papers have been published under the umbrella of the Roadmap project:

Final Version Black indicates when the first and/or main contributor(s) of the paper or the published study were directly funded by the RoadMap project


The following papers address topics which are related to the Roadmap project:

  • A Comprehensive Database of the Optical Properties of Irregular Aerosol Particles for Radiative Transfer Simulations. Saito, M., et al., J. Atmospheric Sciences 78, 2089-2111 (2021)