11 June 2021 - The official magazine of Europlanet, the European community for planetary science, has just been launched.
The first issue of the Europlanet Magazine has been published on line today. The e-Magazine aims to highlight the range of activities carried out by the partners of Europlanet 2024 Research Infrastructure (RI), the members of the Europlanet Society, the Europlanet Early Careers Network, academic and industrial partners, and the wider planetary community. The Magazine is published twice a year in May/June and November/December.
The Europlanet Magazine is funded through the Europlanet 2024 RI project (supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871149). Currently, the Europlanet Magazine is only available online as an e-magazine.
This first issue has a strong focus on Mars, including European contributions to current missions, experimental research in labs and in the field, and outreach initiatives to engage the next generation. It looks back at the origins of Europlanet and its links to the Cassini-Huygens mission at the beginning of this century. It also has updates on the Winchcombe meteorite and on several new partnerships to support planetary science.
Several members of the RoadMap consortium are actively contributing to the Europlanet Society.
One of the articles in this first issue is describing the RoadMp project, see here.