This page gives you access to the data collected and generated by the RoadMap project

NOMAD / ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter

Information on how to get the NOMAD data from the PSA server can be found here. More information on the NOMAD instrument is found on the official website of the insturument.

SPICAM / Mars Express

All spectra recorded by the SPICAM instrument are available on the PSA website.

GEM-Mars Global Circulation Model

The description of the model and its results can be found on the Model official page.

The GEM-Mars data can also be directly accessed through a link following this pattern:

        [34,35]&lat=[-90, 90]&lon=[-180,180]&ls=[0, 360]&lst=[0,24]

where myear (Mars Year) can be 34 or 35, lat (latitude) is one value between -90 and 90, lon (longitude) is one value between -180 and 180, ls (solar longitude or time of year) is a value between 0 and 360, and lst (local solar time) is a value between 0 and 24.

For example, the following link provides a VOTable containing the profile for MY 34, at the equator, longitude 0, Ls = 90, at noon:


Hexahedral particle models

The TAMUdust2020 is a comprehensive, flexible, and user-friendly database for optical properties of dust aerosol and volcanic ash particles. Various ensembles of 20 irregular hexahedral particle models are applied in this database. The database consists of source codes (.f90) and data kernels, which are available from:



NOMAD / ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter

Data published within specific publications and which were generated in the frame of the RoadMap project can be found at:

  • Vertical profiles of water vapor in the Martian atmosphere during dust storms in 2018-2019 observed by TGO/NOMAD: Aoki et al. (2019). BIRA-IASB data repository
  • Retrieved dust and water ice concentration and particle size over time from solar occultation measurements: Liuzzi et al. (2019). NASA GSFC Repository
  • NOMAD-UVIS ozone and aerosol vertical profile retrievals from solar occultation measurements:
  • Water vapour vertical profiles in the atmosphere of Mars retrieved from 3.5 years of solar occultation measurements, Aoki et al (2022): BIRA-IASB Repository
  • Carbon dioxide retrievals and temperature profiles from solar occultation measurements, Trompet et al. (2023). BIRA-IASB repository


GEM-Mars Global Circulation Model

Specific datasets associated to RoadMap publications can be found at:

  • GEM-Mars GCM simulations for 2018 global dust storm, Neary et al. (2019): BIRA-IASB data repository
  • GEM-Mars GCM simulations of O3 for NOMAD-UVIS solar occultation profiles, Daerden et al. (2022): BIRA-IASB repository
  • Explaining NOMAD D/H observations by cloud-induced fractionation of water vapor on Mars, Daerden et al. (2022):  BIRA-IASB repository


Laboratory (microphysical properties)


Laboratory (Radiative properties)

The direct links to the Martian analog reflectance spectra, measured size distributions, and derived refractive indices, can be found here:

The radiative properties which were obtained during the RoadMap project are available at the CODULAB website.


VESPA: Virtual European Solar and Planetary Access

All data generated by the project relative to the atmosphere of Mars have been uploaded on the VESPA Virtual Observatory.

The NOMAD datasets described in Piccialli et al, (2022), Aoki et al, (2022) and Trompet et al, (2022) are accessible through the VESPA portal since August 2022. There are 7400 vertical profiles of ozone, water and carbon dioxide density as well as temperature.